Is the future of bribery in cryptocurrency?

As the name implies, cryptocurrency is a digital currency which uses encryption to verify transactions. Therefore, advanced coding is involved in both storing and transmitting cryptocurrency data between wallets and […]

The Inseparability of War and Corruption

War and corruption are inseparable.  Half of the countries in the bottom quartile of the Corruption Perception Index are involved in conflict. And there are many reasons to speculate on why that […]

Brazil: Corruption, Bribery and Facilitation Payments

A History with Corruption Brazil struggles with corruption, as it poses an impediment to economic development, social equality, and justice. In 2014, Operation Carwash (or Operação Lava Jato, in Portuguese) exposed one of […]

Are facilitation payments bribes?

An agent from another country may ask you for extra money to process paperwork. A border patrol officer may ask for a favor to allow your shipment to entry a country faster. Or even so, an employee from the Department of Motor Vehicles may be willing to give your renewed driver’s license without the need for examinations, as long as you give them a gift.


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